Beware of small-time Crypto shills…

Adrian Vulea
2 min readNov 14, 2021


…they are more dangerous than the big time shills we all know and “love”.

The problem with small time crypto shill is the fact that they are starving.

Starving for followers.

Starving for attention.

Literally starving (so they need money).

A common way for small time shill, as well as big time shill, to get money is by promoting projects that are willing to get exposure to the shill’s audience.

The problem with small time shills is that they are so starving for money that they are willing to promote any crap…and from time to time, if not frequently, some scam project wants him to promote them.

And he does.

Because he’s starving, remember?

If you are new to my medium, you can read the post I’ve made of such a shill, that caused many people to lose a lot of money:

The guy I am exposing in this post led to some people losing $10k worth of BNB in one shot.

Of course he may not be involved with the team and may have not truly research the project to know it’s a scam. But does that exempt him from any fault? Clearly not.

I will look closely on this guys past and future content and try to point out the obvious scams, if possible in time for people not to fall for it. It felt awfully good to know I saved some people on twitter from losing money to the low tier scam I’ve exposed here:

That’s all for now! Stay safe, and if you want you can also follow me on social media:



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Adrian Vulea

Got very early into $EGLD 🏆, $SAND 🎮 and $HNT 🎈. I now search for the next best low cap altcoin gems. Follow me on Twitter