Mid to Long Term 1000x potential! Don’t miss out, participate for free!
Hello everyone! I am very excited to bring to your attention what is in my opinion the easiest way for you to make life changing gains FOR FREE in the Crypto World!
I’m going to get right to it and tell you what I’m talking about. I’m hinting on the TipsyOnline project developed by TipsyTeam.
The project aims to create the first Blockchain Adult-Friendly Entertainment Platform. Games, Chats, Videos, with AI-integration, cutting edge Virtual World motion capture technology and other native features like TipsyXchange, TipsyCam and TipsyMarket, even NFTs, this project has high standards and the team to build it:
Stefan Rocheanu — CEO
Silviu Vieru — CTO
Emre Aykac — CFO
Frigioiu Alexandru — Head of Marketing
Raluca Stefan — Lead Graphic Designer
Dragos Musat — Financial Advisor
and partnerships with: Zfort Group, s’UP Production, Implicit digital and many more to come.
The project will be cross-chain which means they will use multiple blockchains for their transfers, favoring the ones with the smallest fees (Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Elrond…)
Right now, the project is in private sale phase, which means you can get 10 Tipsy tokens for $1, but if you don’t want to risk your capital in such a daring project, you can simply enter the Tipsy Online competition and earn up to 5000 Tipsy Tokens for free:
All you have to do is access the link above and enter with your Email address, Facebook user or Twitter handle, and visit their webpage, Instagram profile and others and give your honest feedback. Zero risk, massive potential, given the money that is vehiculated in the adult industry.
Keep in mind that this is not a get rich overnight play. It will take years to reach maximum potential. Which is good, 1000x-es are made over years, not days.
Anyway, you can find more info on their webpage, and as I’ve said, there is no risk associated. That’s all I have for you today, if you enjoyed this article, please consider following me on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vulea
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptoball1